Kilis, E. 2024. Hurried Professionals: Sociology in Latvia. In: Roncevic, B., Besednjak Valič, T. (eds) Sociology and Post-Socialist Transformations in Eastern Europe. Springer, Cham., pp. 207-225.
Segers, B., Nimmegeers, P., Spiller, M., Tofani, G., Jasiukaityte-Grojzdek, E., Dace, E., Kikas, T., Marchetti, J. M., Rajic, M., Yildiz, G., & Billen, P. (2024). Lignocellulosic biomass valorisation: a review of feedstocks, processes and potential value chains and their implications for the decision-making process. RSC Sustainability.
Motamedian, E., Baumanis, M. R., Daugavietis, J. E., Berzina, I., Shvirksts, K., Dace, E., Liepins, J., & Stalidzans, E. 2024. A hybrid strategy for growth-associated production of sophorolipid using a reconstructed genome-scale metabolic model for the fructophilic yeast Starmerella bombicola. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 189, 541-548.
Auzins, A., Leimane, I., Reissaar, R., Brobakk, J., Sakelaite, I., Grivins, M., Zihare, L. 2024. Assessing the Socio-Economic Benefits and Costs of Insect Meal as a Fishmeal Substitute in Livestock and Aquaculture. Animals, 14, 1461.
Dace, E., Cascavilla, A., Bianchi, M., Chioatto, E., Zecca, E., Ladu, L., Yilan, G. 2024. Barriers to transitioning to a circular bio-based economy: Findings from an industrial perspective. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 48, 407-418,
Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Grivins, M. 2024. Understanding the potential of sustainability turn in farming: review of sociotechnical adoption factors of agri-environmental cropping practices. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 39:e16. doi:10.1017/S1742170524000085
Soloha, R., Lukasa, L.K. & Dace, E. 2024. Estimation and bio-valorisation of food industry by-products in Northern Europe. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery.
Moreno-Pérez, O.M., Arnalte-Mur, L., Cerrada-Serra, P., Martinez‑Gomez, V., Adamsone‑Fiskovica, A., Bjørkhaug, H., Brunori, G., Czekaj, M., Duckett, D., Hernández, P.A., Noble, C., Pinto‑Correia, T., Płonka, A., Prosperi, P., Redman, M., Rivera, M., Šūmane, S., Ortiz‑Miranda, D. 2024. Actions to strengthen the contribution of small farms and small food businesses to food security in Europe. Food Security 16, 243–259.
Grivins, M., Kilis, E. 2023. Engaging with barriers hampering uptake of digital tools. Italian Review of Agricultural Economics, 78(2): 29–38.
Barkane, I., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Kilis, E. 2023. Creeping road traffic surveillance in Latvia: social and legal implications of digital policing tools. Surveillance & Society, 21 (4): 432-446.
Mukamwi, M., Somorin, T., Soloha, R., Dace, E. 2023. Databases for biomass and waste biorefinery – a mini-review and SWOT analysis. Bioengineered, 14:1.
Siddiqui, A.A., Pleissner, D., Pentjuss, A., Gołaszewski, J., Karwowska, A., Dace, E., Pahmeyer, M., Van Miert, S., Frooninckx, L., Broeckx, L., Heinz, V., Smetana, S.. 2023. Biological nitrogen recirculation to food protein – A review. Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy, 6: 100056,
Knickel, M., Caniglia, G., Knickel, K., Šūmane, S., Maye, D., Arcuri, S., Keech, K., Tisenkopfs, T., Brunori, B. 2023. Lost in a haze or playing to partners’ strengths? Learning to collaborate in three transdisciplinary European Living Labs. Futures, Vol. 152,
Ušča, M., Tisenkopfs, T. 2023. The resilience of short food supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of a direct purchasing network. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 1146446.
Sutherland, L.-A., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Elzen, B., Koutsouris, A., Laurent, C., Stræte, E. P., Labarthe, P. 2023. Advancing AKIS with assemblage thinking. Journal of Rural Studies 97: 57-69.
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Rauw, W. M., Gomez-Raya, L., Star, L., Øverland M., Delezie, E., Grivins, M., Hamann, K. T., Pietropaoli, M., Klaassen, M. T., Klemetsdal, G., Gil, M. G., Torres, O., Dvergedal, H., Formato, G. 2022. Sustainable development in circular agriculture: An illustrative bee↺legume↺poultry example. Sustainable Development.
Ortiz-Miranda, D., O. Moreno-P´erez, L. Arnalte-Mur, P. Cerrada-Serra, V. Martinez-Gomez, B. Adolph, J. Atela, S. Ayambila, I. Baptista, R. Barbu, H. Bjørkhaug, M. Czekaj, D. Ducketti, A. Fortes, F. Galli, G. Goussios, P. Andrea Hernandez, P. Karanikolas, K. Machila, E. Oikonomopoulou, P. Prosperi, M. Rivera, Ł. Satoła, M. Szafranska, T. Tisenkopfs, C. Tonui, R. Yeboah. 2022. The future of small farms and small food businesses as actors in regional food security: A participatory scenario analysis from Europe and Africa. Journal of Rural Studies 95: 326-335. DOI:
Žabko, O. 2022. Giving (positive) meaning to downward and horizontal occupational mobility to maintain individual well-being. Intersections. EEJSP, 8(2): 120-137. DOI:
Labarthe, P., Sutherland, L-A., Laurent, C., Nguyen, G., Tisenkopfs, T., Triboulet, P., Bechtet, N., Bulten, E., Elzen, B., Madureira, L., Noble, C., Prazan, J., Townsend, L., Zarokosta, E., Prager, K., Redman, M. 2022. Who are Advisory Services Leaving Out? A Critical Reflection on ‘Hard to Reach’ Farmers. EuroChoices 21 (1): 50-55.
Potters, J., Collins, K., Schoorlemeer, H., Stræte, E. P., Kilis, E., Lane, A., Leloup, H. 2022. Living Labs as an Approach to Strengthen Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems. EuroChoices 21 (1): 23-29.
Žabko, O., Tisenkopfs, T. 2022. New Entrants Need Tailored Farm Advice. EuroChoices 21 (1): 63-69.
Brady, M., Andersen, M. S., Andersson, A., Kilis, E., Saarela, S. and Thorsøe, M. H. 2022. Strengthening the policy framework to resolve lax implementationof the Baltic Sea Action Plan for agriculture. Ambio, 51(1): 69–83.
Thorsøe, M. H., Andersen, M. S., Brady, M. V., Graversgaard, M., Kilis, E., Pedersen, A. B., Pitzén, S. and Valve, H. 2022. Promise and performance of agricultural nutrient management policy: Lessons from the Baltic Sea. Ambio 51(1): 36-50.
Adamsone-Fiskovica, A. 2022. Social and technological potential of on-farm experiments and demonstrations to promote innovative farming practices. In: Maurel, V.B., Tremblay, N., Cook, S., Lacoste, M., Taylor, J. et al. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Farmer-centric on-farm experimentation (OFE2021): Digital tools for a scalable transformative pathway. Oct 2021, Montpellier, France, pp. 62-66.
Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Grivins, M. 2022. Knowledge production and communication in on-farm demonstrations: putting farmer participatory research and extension into practice. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 28(4): 479-502.
Šūmane, S., Ādamsone-Fiskoviča, A., Cīrule, L., Grīviņš, M., Ķīlis, E., Skudra, M.S., Tisenkopfs. T. 2021. Knowledge and innovation partnerships for smart and sustainable territorial development. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference "Rural Development 2021: Challenges for Sustainable Bioeconomy and Climate Change".
Grīviņš, M., Ādamsone-Fiskoviča, A. 2021. Plānojot neparedzamu nākotni: kā sadzīvot ar pieaugošo neskaidrību. Akadēmiskā Dzīve 57: 3-10.
Kilis, E., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Šūmane, S., Tisenkopfs, T. 2021. (Dis)continuity and advisory challenges in farmer-led retro-innovation: biological pest control and direct marketing in Latvia. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 28 (5): 653-670. DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2021.1997770
Pinto-Correia, T., Rivera, M., Guarin, A., Grivins, M., Tisenkopfs, T., Hernandez, P. A. 2021. Unseen food: The importance of extra-market small farm’s production for rural households in Europe. Global Food Security 30: 100563.
Knickel, K., Almeida, A., Galli, F., Hausegger-Nestelberger, K., Goodwin-Hawkins, B., Hrabar, M., Keech, D., Knickel, M., Lehtonen, O., Maye, D., Ruiz-Martinez, I., Šūmane, S., Vulto, H., Wiskerke, J. S. C. 2021. Transitioning towards a Sustainable Wellbeing Economy - Implications for Rural–Urban Relations. Land, 10 (5): 512.
Ovaska, U., Vihinen, H., Oostindie, H., Farinós, J., Hrabar, M., Kilis, E., Kobal, J., Tisenkopfs, T., Vulto, H. 2021. Network Governance Arrangements and Rural-Urban Synergy. Sustainability, 13(5): 2952.
Hernández, P. A., Galli, F., Prosperi, P., Šūmane, S., Duckett, D., Almaas, H. E. 2021. Do small food businesses enable small farms to connect to regional food systems? Evidence from 9 European regions, Global Food Security, 29,
Orste, L., Krumina, A., Kilis, E., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Grivins, M. 2021. Individual responsibilities, collective issues: the framing of dietary practices in Latvian media. Appetite 164: 105219.
Toma, I., Redman, M., Czekaj, M., Tyran, E., Grivins, M., Sumane, S. 2021. Small-scale farming and food security – Policy perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe. Global Food Security, Volume 29, 100504.
Grivins, M. 2021. Are all foragers the same? Towards a classification of foragers. Sociologia Ruralis, 61(20): 518-539.
Grivins, M., Thorsøe, M. H., Maye, D. 2021. Financial subjectivities in the agricultural sector: A comparative analysis of relations between farmers and banks in Latvia, Denmark and the UK.
Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Grivins, M., Burton, R. J. F., Elzen, B., Flanigan, S., Frick, R., Hardy, C. 2021. Disentangling critical success factors and principles of on-farm agricultural demonstration events. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 27 (5): 639-656.
Šūmane, S., Ortiz Miranda, D., Pinto-Correia, T., Czekaj, M., Duckett, D., Galli, F., Grivins, M., Noble, C., Tisenkopfs, T., Toma, I., Tsiligiridis, T. 2021. Supporting the role of small farms in the European regional food systems: What role for the science-policy interface? Global Food Security 28: 100433.
Sutherland, L-A., Burton, R., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Hardy, C., Elzen, B., Debruyne, L., Flanigan, S. 2021. Inclusivity of On-farm Demonstration: Gender, age, and geographic location. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 27(5): 591-613.
Galli, F., Grando, S., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Bjørkhaug, H., Czekaj, M., Duckett, D. J., Almaas, H., Karanikolas, P., Moreno-Pérez, O. M., Ortiz-Miranda, D., Pinto-Correia, T., Prosperi, P., Redman, M., Rivera, M., Toma, R., Sánchez-Zamora, P., Šūmane, S., Żmija, K., Żmija, D., Brunori, G. 2020. How does small farms contribute to food and nutrition security? Linking European small farms, strategies and outcomes in territorial food systems. Global Food Security 26: 100427.
Arnalte-Mur, L., Ortiz-Miranda, D., Cerrada-Serra, P., Martinez-Gómez, V., Moreno-Pérez, O., Barbu, R., Bjorkhaug, H., Czekaj, M., Duckett, D., Galli, F., Goussios, G., Grivins, M., Hernández, P. A., Prosperi, P., Šūmane, S. 2020. The drivers of change for the contribution of small farms to regional food security in Europe. Global Food Security 26: 100395.
Thorsøe, M., Noe, E., Maye, D., Vigani, M., Kirwan, J., Chiswell, H., Grivins, M., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Tisenkopfs, T., Tsakalou, E., Aubert, P-M., Loveluck, W. 2020. Responding to change: Farming system resilience in a liberalized and volatile European dairy market. Land Use Policy 99, 105029.
Rivera, M., Guarín, A., Pinto-Correia, T., Almaas, A., Arnalte Mur, L, Burns, V., Czekaj, M., Ellis, R., Galli, F., Grivins, M., Hernández, P., Karanikolas, P., Prosperi, P., Sánchez Zamora, P. 2020. Assessing the role of small farms in regional food systems in Europe: Evidence from a comparative study. Global Food Security 26: 100417.
Czekaj, M., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Tyran, E., Kilis, E. 2020. Small farms’ resilience strategies to face economic, social, and environmental disturbances in selected regions in Poland and Latvia. Global Food Security 26: 100416.
Tisenkopfs, T., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Kilis, E., Šūmane, S., Grivins, M., Pinto-Correira, T., Bjørkhaug, H. 2020. Territorial fitting of small farms in Europe. Global Food Security 26, 100425.
Grivins, M. 2020. Foraging by foraging: The role of wild products in shaping new relations with nature. In: Duncan, J., Carolan, M., Wiskerke, J.S.C. (eds), Routledge Handbook of Sustainable and Regenerative Food Systems. Routledge.
Żmija, K., Fortes, A., Tia, M. N., Šūmane, S., Ayambila, S. N., Żmija, D., Satoła, Ł., Sutherland, L-A. 2020. Small farming and generational renewal in the context of food security challenges. Global Food Security 26.
Guarín, A., Rivera, M., Pinto-Correia, T., Guimar, N., Šūmane, S., Moreno-Pérez, O. M. 2020. A new typology of small farms in Europe. Global Food Security 26.
Jehlička, P., Grīviņš, M., Visser, O. and B. Balazs. 2020. Thinking food like an East European: A critical reflection on the framing of food systems. Journal of Rural Studies 76: 286-295.
Tisenkopfs, T., S. Šūmane, M. Grivins, A. Adamsone-Fiskovica, E. Kilis, V. Atkočiūnienė. 2019. Making Regional Food Systems More Sustainable. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference Rural Development 2019. Pp. 497-501. ISSN 2345-0916 (Online)
Tisenkopfs, T., Kilis, E., Grivins, M., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A. 2019. Whose ethics and for whom? Dealing with ethical disputes in agri-food governance. Agriculture and Human Values 36: 353–364.
Adamsone-Fiskovica, A. 2019. Consuming, experiencing and governing: setting the scene for public encounters with biomedicine. In: A. Görgen, G.A. Nunez, H. Fangerau (eds), Handbook of Popular Culture and Biomedicine: Knowledge in the life sciences as cultural artefacts, pp. 323-335. Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart.
Guiomar, N., Godinho, S., Pinto-Correia, T., Almeida, M., Bartolini, F., Bezák, P., Biró, M., Bjørkhaug, H., Bojnec, Š., Brunori, G., Corazzin, M., Czekaj, M., Davidova, S., Kania, J., Kristensen, S., Marraccini, E., Molnár, Zs., Niedermayr, J., O'Rourke, E., Ortiz-Miranda, D., Redman, M., Sipiläinen, T., Sooväli-Sepping, H., Šūmane, S., Surová, D., Sutherland, L-A., Tcherkezova, E., Tisenkopfs, T., Tsiligiridis, T., Tudor, M. M., Wagner, K., Wästfelt, A. 2018. Typology and distribution of small farms in Europe: Towards a better picture. Land Use Policy 75: 784-798.
Tisenkopfs, T. 2018. Globalisation and Peripheral Identity. In: L. Tomasi (ed) New Horizons in Sociological Theory and Research: The Frontiers of Sociology at the Beginning of the Twenty-first Century. New York, London, Sydney: Ashgate, pp. 221-256. First published in 2001.
Grivins, M., Tisenkopfs, T., Tikka, V., Silvasti, T. 2018. Manoeuvring between regulations to achieve locally accepted results: analysis of school meals in Latvia and Finland. Food Security 10(6): 1389–1400.
Grivins, M., Tisenkopfs, T. 2018. Benefitting from the global, protecting the local: The nested markets of wild product trade. Journal of Rural Studies 61: 335-342.
Rivera, M., Knickel, K., des los Rios, I., Ashkenazy, A., Pears, D. Q., Chebach, T., Sumane, S. 2018. Rethinking the connections between agricultural change and rural prosperity. Journal of Rural Studies 59: 242-251.
Šūmane, S., Kunda, I., Knickel, K., Strauss, A., Tisenkopfs, T., des los Rios, I., Rivera, M., Chebach, T., Ashkenazy, A. 2018. Local and farmers' knowledge matters! How integrating informal and formal knowledge enhances sustainable and resilient agriculture. Journal of Rural Studies 59: 232-241.
Knickel, K., Redman. M., Darnhofer, I., Ashkenazy, A., Calvao, T., Chebach, T., Šūmane, S., Tisenkopfs, T., Zemeckis, R., Atkociuniene, V., Rivera, M., Strauss, A., Kristensen, L. S., Schiller, S., Koopmans, M. E., Rogge, E. 2018. Between aspirations and reality: Making farming, food systems and rural areas more resilient, sustainable and equitable. Journal of Rural Studies 59: 197-210.
Koopmans, M., Rogge, E., Mettepenningen, E., Knickel, K., Šūmane, S. 2018. The role of multi-actor governance in re-connecting farm modernisation and sustainable rural development. Journal of Rural Studies 59: 252-262.
Ādamsone-Fiskoviča, A. 2018. Zinātnes un tehnoloģijas socioloģija. Nacionālā enciklopēdija.
Grīviņš, M. 2018. Lauku socioloģija. Nacionālā enciklopēdija.
Grīviņš, M. 2018. Izglītības socioloģija. Nacionālā enciklopēdija.
Grīviņš, M. 2018. Pārtikas socioloģija. Nacionālā enciklopēdija.
Grivins, M., D. Keech, I. Kunda and T. Tisenkopfs. 2017. Bricolage for Self-Sufficiency: An Analysis of Alternative Food Networks. Sociologia Ruralis 57(3): 340-356.
Adamsone-Fiskovica, A. 2017. Investigating social inclusiveness of universities in Latvia: policy discourse and university practices. In: C. Brundenius, B. Göransson, J.M.C. de Mello (eds), Universities, Inclusive Development and Social Innovation: An International Perspective, pp. 311-347. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Grivins, M., T. Tisenkopfs, Z. Stojanovic, B. Ristic. 2016. A comparative analysis of the social performance of global and local berry supply chains. Sustainability 8(6), No. 532.
Agarin, T., M. Grīviņš. 2016. Chasing the Green Buck? Environmental Activism in Post-communist Baltic States. Communist and Post-communist Studies 49(3): 243-254.
Brunori, G., Galli, F., Barjolle, D., Broekhuizen, R. V., Colombo, L., Giampietro, M., Kirwan, J., Lang, T., Mathijs, E., Maye, D., Roest, K. D., Rougoor, C., Schwarz, J., Schmitt, E., Smith, J., Stojanovic, Z., Tisenkopfs, T., Touzard, J.-M. 2016. Are local food chains more sustainable than global food chains? Considerations for Assessment. Sustainability 8(5): 1-27.
Grivins, M. 2016. A comparative study of the legal and grey wild product supply chains . Journal of Rural Studies 45: 66-75.
Grivins, M. and T. Tisenkopfs. 2015. A discursive analysis of oppositional interpretations of the agro-food system: A case study of Latvia. Journal of Rural Studies 39: 111–121.
Trenouth, L. and T. Tisenkopfs. 2015. The Evolution of Household Foodscapes over Two Decades of Transition in Latvia. Journal of Baltic Studies 46(3): 355-375.
Moschitz, H., Roep, D., Brunori, G., and Tisenkopfs, T. 2015. Learning and innovation networks for sustainable agriculture: processes of co-evolution, joint reflection and facilitation. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 21(1): 1-11.
Tisenkopfs, T., I. Kunda, S. Sumane, G. Brunori, L. Klerkx, H. Moschitz and G. Berti. 2015. Learning and innovation in agriculture and rural development: the use of the concepts of boundary work and boundary objects. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 21(1): 13-33.
Adamsone-Fiskovica, A. 2015. Technoscientific futures: public framing of science. Technology in Society 40: 43-52.
Tisenkopfs, T., Šūmane, S., Kunda, I., Pilvere, I., Zēverte-Rivža, S., Stokmane, I. 2015. Latvijas mazo saimniecību dzīvotspēja. SIA Jelgavas tipogrāfija.
Grīviņš, M. 2015. "Nauda zemē mētājas": meža melleņu sektora attīstības daudzdimensionālās izpausmes. Latvijas Universitātes raksti 808: 52-76.
Grivins, M. and T. Tisenkopfs. 2014. New urban food initiatives: a step towards the recognition of diversity. Spanish Journal of Rural Development, Vol. V (Special 1): 65-78.
Tisenkopfs, T., S. Šūmane and I. Kunda. 2014. Learning as issue framing in agricultural innovation networks, Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 20(3): 309-326.
Brunori, G., D. Barjolle, A.-C. Dockes, S. Helmle, J. Ingram, L. Klerkx, H. Moschitz, G. Nemes, and T. Tisenkopfs. 2013. CAP reform and innovation: the role of learning and innovation networks, Eurochoices 12(2): 27-33.
Grivins, M. 2013. Construction of Pupil Identities at School. Social theory, empirics, policy and practice. No.7, ISSN 1648-2425, 38-52.
Grīviņš, M. 2013. Novirzes no tehnoloģizācijas izglītības diskursā. In: Identitātes. Kopienas. Diskursi, Bela, B., Zepa, B. (eds.), LU Academic Publishers, pp. 93-110.
Grīviņš, M. 2012. Implementation of Per Capita Education Funding in the Baltic States. Baltic Journal of European Studies, Tallinn University of Technology (ISSN 2228-0588), Vol. 2, No. 2 (12).
Grīviņš, M. 2012. "Nauda seko skolēnam": sociālo pakalpojumu organizācija reģionā. In: Ad locum: vieta, identitāte un rīcībspēja. (red.) Zobena, A.
Ādamsone-Fiskoviča, A. 2012. Zinātnes publiskās komunikācijas nozīmes izpratne: ekspertu diskursa analīze. In: Identitātes. Kopienas. Diskursi, B. Bela, B. Zepa (eds.), pp. 137-172. Rīga: Latvijas Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds.
Tisenkopfs, T., I. Kovach, M. Lostak and S. Šūmane. 2011. Rebuilding and Failing Collectivity: Specific Challenges for Collective Farmers Marketing Initiatives in Post-Socialist Countries. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 18 (1): 70-88.
Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Kristapsons, J., Tjunina, E., Ulnicane-Ozolina, I. 2011. Latvia: Repositioning of academic institutions in a catching-up country. In: Universities in transition: The Changing Role and Challenges for Academic Institutions, Göransson, B. and Brundenius, C. (eds.), pp. 219-246. Springer, IDRC.
Grīviņš, M. 2011. Izglītības pētījumi un politika Latvijā: kritisks izvērtējums. LU Akadēmiskie raksti. Socioloģija. Bela, B. (ed.), Rīga, Zinātne, pp. 102-119.
Grīviņš, M. 2011. Starptautiska augstākā izglītība starptautisko organizāciju skatījumā. In: Augstskolas reģionos: zināšanu un prakses mijiedarbe. Tisenkopfs, T., Bela, B., Kunda, I., (eds.). Rīga, Zinātne, pp. 148-176.
Jehlička, P., Balázs, B., Grīviņš, M., Visser, O. 2018. Thinking food like an East European: a critical reflection on the framing of food systems. POLLEN18 'Political Ecology, the Green Economy, and Alternative Sustainabilities' proceedings, Oslo, Norway, 20–22 June 2018.
Tisenkopfs, T., Grivins, M. 2018. Linking policies and communities through culinary heritage and forest products. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Agriculture and Food in an Urbanising Society.
Labarthe, P., Sutherland, L.-A., Elzen, B., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A. 2018. Advisory role in farmers’ micro systems of agricultural knowledge and innovation (microAKIS). Proceedings of the 13th European IFSA Symposium Farming systems facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Thorsøe, M., Noe, E., Aubert, P-M., Maye, D., Vigani, M., Kirwan, J., Chiswell, H., Grivins, M., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Tisenkopfs, T., Tsakalou, M. 2018. Farming strategies in the continuously evolving European dairy market – a comparative case study of five different EU countries. Proceedings of the 13th European IFSA Symposium Farming systems facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Tisenkopfs, T., Sumane, S., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Grivins, M. 2018. Territorial fitting of small farms. Proceedings of the 13th European IFSA Symposium Farming systems facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Grivins, M., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Tisenkopfs, T. 2018. Strategies farmers use to shape supply chain: a comparative analysis of dairy and grain farmers in Latvia. Proceedings of the 13th European IFSA Symposium Farming systems facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Grivins, M., Thorsøe, M., Maye, D., Aubert, P-M. 2018. Lending to a farmer: a comparative analysis of frames banks use to interpret agriculture. Proceedings of the 13th European IFSA Symposium Farming systems facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Maye, D., Kirwan, J., Chiswell, H., Vigani, M., Muñoz-Rojas, J., Mathijs, E., Bonjean, I., Thorsøe, M. H., Noe, E., von Münchausen, S., Grivins, M., Aubert, P-M., Nowak, P., Minarelli, F. 2018. Farmer strategies to manage market uncertainty: commodity-level analysis and critique. Proceedings of the 13th European IFSA Symposium Farming systems facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Czekaj, M., Tyran, E., Sumane, S., Ioana, B. R. 2018. Exploring the diverse connections between small farms and food consumption: case studies from Poland, Romania and Latvia. Proceedings of the 13th European IFSA Symposium Farming systems facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Tisenkopfs, T., Grivins, M. 2017. Formats, outcomes and impacts of knowledge exchange in demonstration activities. In: Proceedings of the XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress “Uneven processes of Rural Change: On Diversity, Knowledge and Justice”, 160-161. Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University.
Tisenkopfs, T., Sumane, S., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Grivins, M. 2017. Small farms typology and contribution to food and nutrition security. In: Proceedings of the XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress “Uneven processes of Rural Change: On Diversity, Knowledge and Justice”, 235-236. Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University.
Grivins, M., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Tisenkopfs, T. 2017. Socio-organisational strategies of farmers: comparison of milk and grain sectors in Latvia. In: Proceedings of the XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress “Uneven processes of Rural Change: On Diversity, Knowledge and Justice”, 291-292. Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University.
Grivins, M., Tisenkopfs, T., Silvasti, T., Tikka, V. 2017. Cultural turn in school meals: Reassembling food and nutritional security of schoolgoers. In: Proceedings of the XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress “Uneven processes of Rural Change: On Diversity, Knowledge and Justice”, 278-279. Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University.
Thorsøe, M., Noe, E., Aubert, P-M., Tayeb Ben Cherif, O., Treyer, S., Maye, D., Vigani, M., Kirwan, J., Grivins, M., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Tisenkopfs, T., Emi, T. 2017. Farming strategies in a continuously evolving European dairy market – a comparative case study of five different EU countries. In: Proceedings of the XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress “Uneven processes of Rural Change: On Diversity, Knowledge and Justice”, 305-306. Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University.
De los Rios, I., Rivera, M., Knickel, K., Chebach, T., Qvist, D., Ashkenazy, A., Šūmane, S. 2015. Rethinking rural prosperity: a discussion of empirical data derived in seven countries with the “Working with People” approach. In: Proceedings of the XXVI ESRS Congress. Places of Possibility? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, pp. 136-137. James Hutton Institute. ESRS Congress Proceedings.pdf
Šūmane, S., Knickel, K., Kunda, I., de los Rios, I., Rivera, M., Strauss, A., Tisenkopfs, T. 2015. Informal knowledge and learning for alternative modernisation pathways in agriculture. In: Proceedings of the XXVI ESRS Congress. Places of Possibility? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, pp. 180-182. James Hutton Institute. ESRS Congress Proceedings.pdf
Grivins, M., Keech, D., Kunda, I., Tisenkopfs, T. 2015. Bricolage for self-sufficiency: an analysis of alternative food initiatives structure. In: Proceedings of the XXVI ESRS Congress. Places of Possibility? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, pp. 59-60. James Hutton Institute. ESRS Congress Proceedings.pdf
Grivins, M., Tisenkopfs, T., Stojanovic, Z., Ristic, B. 2015. The comparative analysis of social performance of global and local berry supply chains. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society, pp. 34-35.
Kunda, I., Grivins, M., Tisenkopfs, T. 2015. Bricolage, local food and sustainable urban development. pp. 253-254. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society, pp. 252-254.
Tisenkopfs, T., Grivins, M., Kunda, I., Sumane, S. 2015. Food security challenges and responses: A comparative analysis of Latvia and Lithuania. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society, pp. 412-413.
Knickel, K., Zemeckis, R., Tisenkopfs, T. 2013. A Critical Reflection of the Meaning of Agricultural Modernization in a World of Increasing Demands and Finite Resources. In: RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2013: PROCEEDINGS, VOL6, BOOK 1: 561-567.
Šūmane, S. 2010. From organic farmer networking to organic knowledge system, in I. Darnhofer and M. Grötzer (eds.) Building Sustainable Rural Futures. The Added Value of Systems Approaches in Times of Change and Uncertainty. The Proceedings of the 9th European IFSA Symposium. Vienna: University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences. ISBN 978-3-200-01908-9. pp. 692-702.