Title: Small farms, small food businesses and sustainable food security
Funding: EU "Horizon 2020" project, grant agreement no. 677363.
Total funding: EUR 4 958 172,50
Funding for BSC: EUR 339 500,00
Implementation period: 01.04.2016.-31.07.2020.
Coordinator: University of Evora (Portugal)
Latvian partner: Baltic Studies Centre
Academic publications on SALSA results with contribution by BSC researchers:
Toma, I., Redman, M., Czekaj, M., Tyran, E., Grivins, M., Sumane, S. (2021) Small-scale farming and food security – Policy perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe. Global Food Security, Volume 29, 100504. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2021.100504
Šūmane, S., Ortiz Miranda, D., Pinto-Correia, T., Czekaj, M., Duckett, D., Galli, F., Grivins, M., Noble, C., Tisenkopfs, T., Toma, I., Tsiligiridis, T. (2021) Supporting the role of small farms in the European regional food systems: What role for the science-policy interface? Global Food Security 28: 100433. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.
Galli, F., Grando, S., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Bjørkhaug, H., Czekaj, M., Duckett, D. J., Almaas, H., Karanikolas, P., Moreno-Pérez, O. M., Ortiz-Miranda, D., Pinto-Correia, T., Prosperi, P., Redman, M., Rivera, M., Toma, R., Sánchez-Zamora, P., Šūmane, S., Żmija, K., Żmija, D., Brunori, G. 2020. How does small farms contribute to food and nutrition security? Linking European small farms, strategies and outcomes in territorial food systems. Global Food Security 26: 100427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2020.100427.
Arnalte-Mur, L., Ortiz-Miranda, D., Cerrada-Serra, P., Martinez-Gómez, V., Moreno-Pérez, O., Barbu, R., Bjorkhaug, H., Czekaj, M., Duckett, D., Galli, F., Goussios, G., Grivins, M., Hernández, P. A., Prosperi, P., Šūmane, S. 2020. The drivers of change for the contribution of small farms to regional food security in Europe. Global Food Security 26: 100395. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2020.100395
Rivera, M., Guarín, A., Pinto-Correia, T., Almaas, A., Arnalte Mur, L, Burns, V., Czekaj, M., Ellis, R., Galli, F., Grivins, M., Hernández, P., Karanikolas, P., Prosperi, P., Sánchez Zamora, P. 2020. Assessing the role of small farms in regional food systems in Europe: Evidence from a comparative study. Global Food Security 26: 100417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2020.100417
Czekaj, M., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Tyran, E., Kilis, E. (2020). Small farms’ resilience strategies to face economic, social, and environmental disturbances in selected regions in Poland and Latvia. Global Food Security 26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2020.100416
Tisenkopfs, T., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Kilis, E., Šūmane, S., Grivins, M., Pinto-Correira, T., Bjørkhaug, H. 2020. Territorial fitting of small farms in Europe. Global Food Security 26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2020.100425
Żmija, K., Fortes, A., Tia, M. N., Šūmane, S., Ayambila, S. N., Żmija, D., Satoła, Ł., Sutherland, L-A. 2020. Small farming and generational renewal in the context of food security challenges. Global Food Security 26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2020.100412
Guarín, A., Rivera, M., Pinto-Correia, T., Guimar, N., Šūmane, S., Moreno-Pérez, O. M. 2020. A new typology of small farms in Europe. Global Food Security 26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2020.100389
Tisenkopfs, T., Šūmane, S., Grivins, M., Adamsone-Fiskovica, A., Kilis, E., Atkočiūnienė, V. 2019. Making Regional Food Systems More Sustainable. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference Rural Development 2019. Pp. 497-501. ISSN 2345-0916 (Online) http://doi.org/10.15544/RD.2019.033
Guiomar, N., Godinho, S., Pinto-Correia, T., Almeida, M., Bartolini, F., Bezák, P., Biró, M., Bjørkhaug, H., Bojnec, Š., Brunori, G., Corazzin, M., Czekaj, M., Davidova, S., Kania, J., Kristensen, S., Marraccini, E., Molnár, Zs., Niedermayr, J., O'Rourke, E., Ortiz-Miranda, D., Redman, M., Sipiläinen, T., Sooväli-Sepping, H., Šūmane, S., Surová, D., Sutherland, L-A., Tcherkezova, E., Tisenkopfs, T., Tsiligiridis, T., Tudor, M. M., Wagner, K., Wästfelt, A. 2018. Typology and distribution of small farms in Europe: Towards a better picture. Land Use Policy 75: 784-798. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.04.012