General objective of the project is to integrate advancement in scientific knowledge about the impact of food chains with application of knowledge to practice to increase food chains sustainability through public policies and private strategies.
This general objective will be pursued through the following specific objectives:
- To develop and validate a performance criteria matrix for assessment and comparison of food chains operating at a range of geographical scales through analysis of how food chain impacts are communicated in different spheres of society.
- To build a database of quantifiable indicators of impact and a set of 20 case studies aimed at understanding how impacts are generated within specific food chains.
- To advance knowledge on methodological problems and trade-offs arising when measuring and comparing the impact of food chains within and between sectors.
- To assess how performance is perceived by stakeholders in different national contexts through participatory assessment and multi-criteria analysis of the different typologies of food chains
- To assess the actual and potential role of public and private policies addressing food chains and to turn assessment into policy recommendations.
- To build a network that turns the advancement of scientific knowledge into decision making tools for domestic and public consumers, producers, citizens, scientists, policy makers, civil society organizations.
Baltic Studies Centre has participated in multiple project work packages:
Development of multi-criteria matrix
The most significant output and result from WP2 is the multi-criteria matrix. This sets out the key issues that need to be taken into account when assessing the performance of food supply chains across the 12 countries examined, whose reports is presented in the attached document in all its richness and diversity. National reports can be downloaded here: pdf (12299 kb)
Comparative supply chain assessment
In Latvia performance of global and local wild blueberry supply chains were assessed. The research conducted analises the wild blueberry sector in Latvia, its economic relevance, cultural aspects and recent transformations, it gives an overview of the national value-chain and flow-charts in wild berries sector, describes the structure and organization of global and local chains, the actors involved and their relations. National report can be downloaded here: pdf (1946 kb)
Synthesis comparison
Baltic Studies Centre researchers were comparatively assessing the performance of wild blueberry supply chains in Latvia and raspberry supply chains in Serbia. The results were later incorporated in broader comparative synthesis based on the thematic reports. Thematic reports (deliverable 4.1) were written guided by the following questions:
- What is the performance of local chains vs global chains in the studied subset?
- What are the most relevant dimensions in each subset and what are the relations (correlation, trade-offs, dilemmas) between them?
- What are the cross-cutting issues and emerging thematic questions and priorities for in-depth investigation?
Final Synthesis Comparative Report can be downloaded here: pdf (518 kb)
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