

Title: Enacting user-centred knowledge and innovation partnerships for smart and sustainable territorial development

Funding source: Latvian Council of Science, Fundamental and applied research project programme, agreement no. lzp-2020/2-0133

Total funding: EUR 100 389,60

Implementation period: 1.12.2020.–31.12.2021.

Coordinator: Baltic Studies Centre

The Project is aimed at generating and consolidating cross-sectoral and transdisciplinary knowledge through a participatory multi-actor approach to promote user-centred solutions in regional food systems, rural-urban interfaces, and rural digitalisation. The Project builds upon the quadruple helix framework and will integrate evidence-based findings from previous Horizon2020 (AgriLink, DESIRA, PLAID, ROBUST, SALSA) and national (SINFO, TRUSt) projects carried out by BSC to collaboratively design viable and applicable solutions for smart and sustainable territorial development. This will be achieved by a) synthesising findings from various projects and translating them in a user-oriented form, b) organising thematic cross-sectoral and multi-actor workshops with representatives of researchers, industry, government organisations, civil society, and students, and employing participatory role-playing games that will lead to the alignment of different stakeholder interests and joint novel insights. The Project will advance scientific knowledge on collaborative approaches for sustainable development, generate impacts in targeted fields of Latvia's smart specialization and development (sustainable food systems, sustainable management of natural resources, balanced territorial development) through improved stakeholders’ networking, joint knowledge base and practice guides, and develop Responsible Research and Innovation capacity of students and post-doctoral researchers.